FBR-ELPO New Aseptic Filler
The “NEW” double head aseptic filler by FBR ELPO fills 3-200 L bags with various liquids and purees, featuring mobile filling heads and sterilizable caps for high asepticity. Ideal to handle liquids, semi-concentrates, concentrates, fruit puree, even with pieces in suspension, ensuring high performances and Max. asepticity.
Technical Data
HEAD 1 :
- Operating Speed: 60 drums/h
- Height: 2640 mm
- Width: 2620 mm
- Length: 4320 mm
- Installed Power: 1.5 KW
- Steam Consumption: 20 Kg/h – 6 Bar
- Air Consumption: 5 Nm³/h – 8 Bar
- Product Max. Dimension in the Filling Valve: 9 mm
HEAD 2 :
- Operating Speed: 60 drums/h
- Height: 2640 mm
- Width: 2620 mm
- Length: 4320 mm
- Installed Power: 1.5 KW
- Steam Consumption: 20 Kg/h – 6 Bar
- Air Consumption: 5 Nm³/h – 8 Bar
- Product Max. Dimension in the Filling Valve: 44 mm
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