VEOLIA Water Treatment – Sirion™ Advanced & Pro

SIRION™ Advanced & Pro reverse osmosis system produce high purity water, removing up to 98% of dissolved inorganics and over 99% of large dissolved organics, colloids and particles.
SIRION™ Advanced & Pro reverse osmosis system produce high purity water, removing up to 98% of dissolved inorganics and over 99% of large dissolved organics, colloids and particles.
- Low energy Membranes result in lower operating pressure; cost savings
- Feed salinity up to 1000 mg/l TDS (NaCl)
- 1 μm pre-filtration included within the unit for membrane protection
- Dry run monitor; pump protection
- Concentrate throttling valve for flow adjustment and concentrate recirculation
- Instrument allocated in frontal control block part for comfortable accessibility and workability
- Skid-mounted, standardized systems; short lead times, quick installation and start-up
- CIP connections forwards installed
- HMI Touchscreen 7” modern interface user friendly. Fully configurable and simple operation, monitoring of pressure, flow rate, conductivity and temperature values
- AQUAVISTA™ compatible
- Data logging
- Comms via Modbus TCP or Aquavista
- OPC Compliant
- Skid: Epoxy-polyester coated carbon steel
- Low pressure Pipework:
- PP Advanced model
- PVC-U Pro model
- POM piping (small ranges)
- High pressure Pipework: SS DIN 1.4404 ISO R1127
- VFD for HP pump
- Conductivity/temperature sensor feed water
- pH measurement concentrate
- Acid/caustic dosing station
- Antiscalant dosing station
- Raw water automatic / manual blending
- Additional universal inputs / outputs
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